"How Could I Ask For More?"

A small glimpse into my everyday...

Monday, October 23, 2006

Happy Birthday, Dear JOEL!!!!!!

Last Saturday, 10/14, was Joel's 3rd birthday. We had a small party at McDonalds in Edmond. Joel enjoyed chicken, playing with friends, and icing (which he calls cake).

He also had a family party and Grandma & Grandpa Mortons on Friday (10/20). Here's a picture of both kids enjoying Grandma time on Friday night:

As you can see, Lindsay was sacked out, but that didn't stop Joel from getting Grandma to read him a book! We had a very nice time and Grandpa and Grandma Morton's house.

Here's a picture of him enjoying his birthday present from Grandpa and Grandma Morton today in the backyard!

He also received a table and chair set from the Hankins. He loves it! Here's a picture of him enjoying this gift:

Mike posted similar pictures on his blog, but just in case you don't read his, here are 2 pictures from our Fall Break trip to the Zoo on the Friday:

Lindsay was very entertaining to passers-by. :) She was in the backpack carrier just snoring away for the last 30 minutes or so of our visit.

Joel had a great time riding the tram and seeing all the animals. It was a gorgeous day!!!


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