"How Could I Ask For More?"

A small glimpse into my everyday...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Light the Fire!

Today, as we were driving to school, there was a controlled fire by the side of the road. Here's the conversation:

Joel: Mommy, where does the smoke go?
Me: It goes up and around and just about everywhere!
Joel: Smoke can do anything. Just like Jesus.


Thank you God for sending angels like Gina Cooke who have given Joel a voice! For many months, I thought these moments would never come. Joel's progress is a miracle!

Now, if we can just get him to stop telling Ms. Cooke "NO" at school, that would rock.




  • At 12:32 PM, Blogger Cheryl said…

    We are so thankful for his progress. There is nothing more precious than watching your children develope, is there. Thank God for the small "treats" in life! :)


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